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The Key to Making Your New Year's Resolutions for Leadership Stick: How Micro Habits Can Help

The Key to Making Your New Year's Resolutions for Leadership Stick: How Micro Habits Can Help

New Year's resolutions are a great way to set goals and make positive changes for individuals and organizational life. One effective strategy for making the resolutions stick is to create micro habits, which are small, daily actions that can lead to bigger changes over time. By breaking down the resolutions into small, manageable steps, lasting changes can be made to the benefit of both the leader, the team and the organization.

New Year's resolutions are a great way to set goals and make positive changes in ones life and the organizational life overall. As a leader, it's important to focus on self-improvement in order to act as a role model and better serve and inspire the team. One effective strategy for making resolutions stick is to create micro habits, which are small, daily actions that can lead to bigger changes over time.

Illustration of 5 Tips to Make Your Leadership Resolutions Stick.

Here are some tips for making your leadership resolutions stick with micro habits:

  1. Start small: Choose a resolution that can be achieved through small, daily actions. For example, instead of resolving to be a more empathetic leader, you might aim to learn one new thing about the individuals on your team each day. By getting to know your team members better and understanding their perspectives, you can become a more empathetic leader over time.
  2. Make it a routine: To turn your micro habit into a lasting change, it's important to make it a part of your daily routine. Choose a specific time each day to complete your micro habit, and make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule.
  3. Track your progress: Keeping track of your progress can help you stay motivated and on track with your resolution. Consider using a journal or a spreadsheet to record your daily micro habit and track your progress over time.
  4. Celebrate your wins: It's important to celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. Every time you successfully complete your micro habit, take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishment and reward yourself in some way. This can help you stay motivated and keep your resolution top of mind.
  5. Get support: Building a new habit can be difficult, especially if you're trying to do it on your own. Consider enlisting the help of a friend or accountability partner to keep you on track. You can also seek support from a mentor or business coach who can offer guidance and encouragement as you work towards your resolution.

By breaking down your leadership resolutions into small, manageable steps, you can make lasting changes that will benefit both you, your team and your organization. With patience, discipline, and a little bit of self-compassion, you can turn your micro habits into results in the new year.

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