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Mental Health Support -
for happiness and well-being

How we feel when we go to work affects how we work and collaborate. It is in the interest of the entire organization to create a framework where people thrive and can bring their strengths into play. When we are affected by mental unhappiness, action must be taken, the sooner the better. Dissatisfaction can lead to mental illness, and it is therefore important that early support is provided for those struggling with mental health. Healthy organizations and good management can do a lot - but in some cases 1:1 support with a good business coach or psychologist is necessary for the individual to move forward

Image of a relaxed person looking at a forest lake.

Do you or a colleague have problems with mental well-being?

When we struggle mentally

We humans are equipped with the most advanced brain that evolution has been able to produce. Our mental health and the processes that take place in the brain are influenced by many factors. The brain is a delicate organ, and it is not surprising that our thoughts and feelings can get out of balance.

Symptoms of mental distress:

  • That you feel sad or depressed
  • Confusion
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Excessive fear or worry
  • Mood swings
  • Withdrawal from colleagues, friends and activities
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Sleep problems
  • Problems with understanding and relating to situations and people
  • Outbursts of anger and a hostile attitude towards colleagues

Tailored intervention - mental health for everyone

Get clarification and get started

If you can recognize one or more of the above symptoms of mental unhappiness in yourself or one of your colleagues, we would recommend that you react and do something active about the problem. Early intervention is important for mental health.

Book a clarification interview

In the clarification interview, we get an overview of what a coaching course can do for the mental health of you or those of you in the organisation. In case of serious mental health problems, we refer to treatment elsewhere.

Image of Pernille Hippe Brun, Sessions Founder & CEO, having a clarification conversation with a potential customer

Receive our presentation

After the clarification interview, you will receive a presentation from us in which we describe what we think is needed to strengthen the mental well-being of the individual. Typically, we will propose a course consisting of 6, 9 or 12 interviews.

Image of a potential client having a clarification conversation with Session for mental health coaching.

Conversation process

Session by session, we get hold of what is needed to strengthen mental health, and step by step the situation and condition are turned around for the better. The individual gets to know his or her feelings, reaction patterns and thoughts better, and gets concrete tools to deal with them and to act constructively and proactively.

Image of a customer who is having a coaching conversation with a business coach from Session


After the coaching process, we evaluate the results. It can often be a good idea to continue with a coaching subscription, so that you can try out new skills over a longer period. We are with you all the way - both when things are moving forward and going well, and when you sometimes need a little extra support to thrive and feel energetic.

Picture of Pernille Hippe Brun, Sessions Founder & CEO

How do you strengthen the mental well-being of a team?

Mental well-being for the entire team

Just as the individual may need extra support and perspective in between, the team may also need a focus on mental well-being. We recommend training managers in the understanding of what creates mental well-being, commitment and job satisfaction.

Having an eye for mental well-being is one of the skills that a modern manager should have in his luggage. It is one of the focus areas that are good to include in an individual coaching course. We also support the manager through facilitated team coaching sessions, if desired.